On August 30, 2001, I broke my right leg at the ankle: both bones, lots of metal to put 'em back together. Ended up with my right leg a smidge shorter than my left, which caused me to limp at bit. Over time, my hip joints began to ache from the misalignment.
In May 2006, I was standing in worship on a Sunday morning, totally focused on Jesus' healing power. I was pursuing Him to understand why a 10-year-old boy in our congregation was dying from leukemia after all our prayers and fasting and faith in Him. In the midst of this, my right leg began to tremble from the hip to about 1/2 way down the calf. It didn't hurt; there was no heat or vibration. Just an increasing trembling that felt like it was in my bones and made it difficult to stand.
This continued for a number of hours into the day. I don't recall noticing that the trembling had stopped. But the next morning when I got out of bed, something felt strange. I realized that both of my feet hit the floor at the same time. I stood up and tested my stance over and over. Only then did I remember the trembling in my leg. Jesus demonstrated His healing power, in response to my questions the day before, by healing me!
I still don't understand why He healed my leg and not the boy with leukemia. I'm learning about prayer that is according to His will, and prayer that is not. Essentially, the prayer of faith is completely focused on God's character, His goodness, His power and His mercy. (I will write more about this in another post.)
On another occasion…
I was sick for most of the winter of 2008. I had a wracking cough that left me hoarse and barely able to eat or talk. My body ached as if I had the flu. Exhaustion and pain over an extended period can make a person desire relief at any cost. I remember asking the Lord to bring me home.
One morning that March, Dave held me and asked if there was anything he could do for me before he left for work. I whispered that I just wanted Papa to give me a new throat. The words just came out my mouth without any forethought. About an hour later I realized that I could swallow without pain. I kept swallowing in amazement until I remembered what I had asked my Papa to do for me that morning. He had given me a completely new throat! It felt like velvet. I called Dave at work to share the good news!!
I have EVERY reason to believe with confidence in God's miraculous healing power! He made us the first time. He is fully able and very willing to repair and replace whatever needs fixing! He is awesome and He is God!!
So I invite all who read my story to simply "ask, seek and knock" for repair and replacement however you or your loved one needs them. Papa God knows the details. We must believe with NO DOUBTING that He WILL do what we ask of Him in faith. It is His WILL, after all, that we pray to be done!
…when you pray, go into your secret room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ..for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed (honored and respected) be your name (your character and reputation), your kingdom (dominion and authority) come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Jesus - (Matthew 6: 6, 8b-10 NIV, emphases added)