Yesterday, October 11, was a significant day in my life. Eleven years ago on that date, I had a tangible encounter with Jesus in my shower. Much has happened in my life since those brief-yet-eternal moments. I hardly recognize my inner self today, compared to the 39 years prior to that encounter. Likewise, my outward life is completely changed and unrecognizable in comparison to my past.
When I realized the date yesterday, I wondered what I should call it. Most Christians would say it was my spiritual birthday, which would suggest that I didn't know my Lord prior to that day. But that isn't true. I've known Him all of my life as my friend and father. I have spoken with Him every day about anything and everything. As a child, I couldn't understand why adults put so many rules and requirements on just knowing Him. They made it so difficult. From the age of 10 through age 40 I didn't go to church. But that didn't stop Jesus from staying close to me through every single day of my life. So I couldn't exactly refer to October 11 as my spiritual birthday in the way that most people view it.
Was it an anniversary? That felt like I was getting closer to describing the day's significance. An anniversary marks a day in remembrance of a person or event. In my case, the person was - and is! - the event. On that day, I can say that I entered into a much deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus than I had known before. I didn't feel like a little girl any more. I felt chosen and accepted and cherished in ways that nobody had ever communicated to me before.
Jesus made these things clear to me without speaking a single word. The depth of the love that I saw in His eyes took my breath away. It was as if I was breathing love deep into my heart; I believe that I was doing exactly that. The strength and warmth of His embrace told me that I was completely safe and secure. His smile told me that He had waited my entire life for those moments in the shower. He knew the day would come when I would choose Him above all others. October 11, 1998, was like a betrothal or a wedding. On the day that He created me, He asked the question of me: Will you choose Me? In my shower, naked and wet and completely exposed to Him in every way, I said "Yes!" I knew that I was His and that He was mine. Our covenant was sealed on that day. So I could consider October 11 as Our anniversary date.
But during worship yesterday, I heard Him say into my spirit that it was Our Memorial Day. After pondering a bit, I notice that "memorial" is extremely important to God. His name, YAHWEH, was given to Moses as God's memorial name for all generations. God's translation of this name is, I AM that I AM. The true and living God simply - IS. No discussion or debate or philosophy is required for this truth to be so. In those incomparable moments in my shower, my heart was purged of every dark thing. All pain that others caused in my heart was released in forgiveness. All remorse and regret for the pain I had caused in others' hearts was washed away. As you forgive others, so will the Father forgive you. I received the forgiveness that was the bridal price Jesus paid for me on the Cross.
I was immediately made into a pure and spotless creation, far different from how I'd been before. The pure in heart will see God. I was transformed into His likeness and was, therefore, able to see and touch and smell and know Him tangibly. He seemed to me to be more real than I was to myself. I received His name, as a bride receives the name of her husband. I entered into His protection and provision, into His very household. October 11 was a new beginning for me in every possible sense of the words. Like Jacob and so many others. I set up an altar in my heart to the One who revealed Himself to me. It is a day of remembrance for me. It is Our Memorial Day!